tugas UTS








Mata Kuliah


Basic English

(English for Photography Business)






Dr. Zalzulifa, M.Pd.




Tahun Akademik




Senin, 09-01-2021

08.00 – 09.30 WIB


Bobot Kredit






Sifat Ujian


Open References









Deliver your draft on:

1.     Related articles about Photography as the grammar grappling skill testing subject

2.     Building 5W1H questions and answers taken from the article

3.     Changing Sentences either into Active of Passive Construction 

4.     Listing verbal and nominal sentences from the article.

5.     Identifying the sentences by the use of tenses with it’s pattern.

6.     Classifying the difficult vocabulary within the article

7.     Translating the article into Indonesia.

8.    Giving the reasons why the author uses the tenses



















7. 10 cara belajar food fotograpy


1.     Ambilah foto makanan dengan porsi yang cukup Pengetahuan dasar dalam food photography adalah tidak memotret makanan dengan porsi yang banyak. Hal ini justru akan membuat makanan tersebut menjadi tidak menarik dan menggiurkan. Gunakan kesan minimalis saat memotret makanan. Makanan dalam foto akan terlihat lebih lezat dan elegan. 2. Beri alas dibawah piring untuk memberi kesan menarik Memberi alas pada bawah piring makanan seperti kertas roti atau perkamen akan membuat daya visual menjadi lebih menarik. 3. Latar belakang harus kontras Seorang fotografer terkadang melupakan betapa pentingnya unsur kontras. Anda bisa menambahkan aksen atau hiasan warna warni apabila makanan tersebut berwarna pucat. 4. Jangan terlalu mengatur tata letak makanan Makanan yang terlihat berantakan justru terlihat lebih alami daripada makanan yang ditata sedemikian rupa[bb1] . 5. Gunakan peralatan makan yang sederhana Food photography bukan berarti selalu menggunakan peralatan makan porselin yang mewah. Bahkan alat makan sederhana di dapur Anda bisa dijadikan sebagai property foto untuk memberi sentuhan natural.  6. Fokus pada keindahan makanan Jika Anda pecinta jamur crispy, fokuslah pada makanan ini dan biarlah jamur-jamur ini menumpuk pada suatu wadah. Fokus pada detail makanan akan membuat makanan pada foto terlihat menggiurkan. 7. Cobalah memotret kelezatan pada makanan Jika Anda mengambil ice cream sebagai objek makanan pada foto, cobalah untuk meyoroti bagian kelezatan ice cream seperti pada coklat dan vanilla yang lumer serta krim yang menetes-netes pada cone. 8. Inspirasi datang dari mana saja Makanan sebagai objek foto bisa berasal dari makanan sehari-hari atau saat Anda sedang menyantapnya di kafe atau restauran. 9. Edit ulang foto Sebelum mempublikasikan foto-foto makanan Anda, ada baiknya apabila diedit dengan filter agar foto tampak lebih menarik. 10. Cari referensi dan inspirasi dari luar Cara belajar food photography juga bisa didapatkan dari website, YouTube channel, buku yang membahas food photography dan lain sebagainya.

1. Take photos of food with sufficient portions The basic knowledge in food photography is not to photograph food in large portions. This will actually make the food unattractive and tempting. Use a minimalist feel when photographing food. The food in the photo will look more delicious and elegant. 2. Put a base under the plate to give an attractive impression Placing a base under a food plate such as parchment paper or parchment will make the visuals more appealing.3. The background must be contrasting A photographer sometimes forgets how important the element of contrast is. You can add colorful accents or decorations if the food is pale in color.4. Don't overly arrange the food layout Food that looks messy actually looks more natural than food that is arranged in such a way.5. Use simple cutlery Food photography does not mean always using fancy porcelain tableware. Even simple cutlery in your kitchen can be used as photo property to give a natural touch. 6. Focus on the beauty of food If you are a fan of crispy mushrooms  , focus on these foods and let these mushrooms pile up in a container. Focusing on the details of the food will make the food in the photo look tantalizing. 7. Try to photograph the delicacy in food If you take  ice cream  as a food object in a photo, try to highlight the delicious parts of the ice cream such as the melted chocolate and vanilla and the dripping cream on the  cone . 8. Inspiration comes from anywhere Food as a photo object can come from everyday food or when you are eating it in a cafe or restaurant. 9. Re-edit photos Before publishing photos of your food, it's a good idea to edit them with filters to make the photos look more interesting. 10. Look for external references and inspiration How to learn  food photography  can also be obtained from websites, YouTube channels, books that discuss food photography and so on.




2.     - what is food fotograpy? Simply put, food photography is photography that focuses on food, or uses food as the main subject

-       Where us can doit food fotograoy ? at food court

-       Who can doit it? whoever has that wish

-       Why food fotograpy is important ?  because it can capture the food we like or the beauty of the food

-       How doit it ? Spray deodorant on the fruit, to make it look fresh. Apply cooking oil on the surface of the fruit, then spray water to make it look fresh. Enter the gastric medicine in soft drinks, to increase the soda bubbles. Use liquid soap, to create foam on drinks. Use cardboard to show the cake layers in more detail. The trick, you cut a cardboard with a shape resembling a cake, insert it between the cake and then cover the part with cream. This method will make the cake layer look more detailed. Use mashed potatoes instead of ice cream. Ice cream usually melts quickly because of the light you use for food photos. By using mashed potatoes that are colored and then garnished with fruit, it will look like ice cream.

-       When we can doit it? when we find interesting food

3.     - Take photos of food with sufficient portions (pasif) , take it  photo according to portion (aktif) 

-       The food in the photo will look more delicious and elegant ( pasif) , take photos of food to make it look delicious (aktif)

-       . Focus on the beauty of food If you are a fan of crispy mushrooms  (pasif) , focus on food to make it look good and good (aktif)

-       The people is take food ( aktif ) , the food is taking of the people (pasif)

-       He is kick the ball (aktif), the ball has kicking the ball to goalkeeper (pasif)

-       Bagas take photo in a kota tua (aktif) , kota tua has taking photo with bagas(pasif)

-       Audy play ball with his dog in the garrage (aktif) , the ball has playing with audy and his dog (pasif)

-       My father smook with take photo at village (aktif),  the village my dad has taking photo and smooked (pasif)

-       Acil hand roll cigarette when i take photo him (aktif) ,  her taking the alif when acil handing roll cigarete 

-        I move the studio because the place is small (aktif) , the studio has her moved because the place is small (aktif)



4.     - Take photos of food with sufficient portions ( VERBAL )

-       . Put a base under the plate to give an attractive impression (VERBAL)

-       Focusing on the details of the food will make the food in the photo look tantalizing (VERBAL)

-       The food in the photo will look more delicious and elegant. (NOMINAL)

-       take  ice cream  as a food object in a photo, ( NOMINAL)

-       I take the photo in garden ( verba )

-       You buy the lens with him (verba) 

-       The kids has take photo ( normina )

-       The dogs has been take a bone (nomina)

-       The ball will kick with the kids (nomina)

5.     - Focusing on the details of the food will make the food in the photo look tantalizing

-       I take photo on the café every night  ( simple present )

-       Alif taking food photo now ( present progressive )

-       You played ball with dog ( simple past )

-       Bagas have just played with her camera ( present perfect )

-       I would have been taking photo at this place (conditional perfect progressive )

-       I will smooked cigarrete at smoking area (future progressive)

-       Agus has been pushed book at library ( present perfect)

-       Budi will have booked ticket to teater ( conditional perfect progressive )

-       Layla has been broked heart because her camera is broken ( present perfect )



-        placing  ; penempatan 

-       Important ; penting 

-       Porcelain ; porselen

-       Broked ; hancur 

-       Cigarrete ; tembakau 

-       Hand roll ; melinting

-       Smoked ; merokok

-       Tantalizing ; menggoda

-       Village ; perdesaan

-       Booked ; pesan 

7.       Sudah diatas 

8.     the author uses the simple present tense because he explains to the reader who is reading how to do food photography


